Good Morning Precious One!
We are in a drought in Southern California at this time. It seems like all I hear are people talking about cutting back on our water consumption. This seems to me to be a response of fear and lack. Why not have a Faith response to our problems. Why not ask God to send rain. We have the power, the connection with our Father to change the weather. In Florida, a couple years ago, where it seemed like the whole state was on fire, the newspaper in Orlando, in huge bold letters, on the front page wrote: PRAY FOR RAIN!!!!!!!!! The very next day, miraculously and supernaturally, it started raining in Florida and the fires were put out!!!!
Even during the recession, sooooo many people want to go into the fear and lack mode. Why not again, go into the Faith mode and believe that we have heavenly bank accounts that are supernatural and miraculous? “Do not fear little flock, it pleases the Father to give you the kingdom.” Luke 12:32. Why not start believing that we are connected to all of the glorious riches that exist in the heavenly realms? We are seated in the heavenly realms, we have been given every blessing in the heavenly realms, we are co-heirs with Christ and we are as Jesus is, so why don’t we believe these to be true.
So of us believe, but we still are having a difficult time accessing and manifesting our blessings in the heavenly realm. We have to believe that we have everything we need within us already to access and manifest all of the blessings the Father has already given to us. We have to believe that we are connected and one with Jesus and everything He is and everything He has!
The father in the Prodigal son story tells the elder son, “My son, the father said, you are always with me, and everything I have is yours.” Luke 15:31. The Father in this story is representing our Father in heaven. Accessing and manifesting the kingdom of heaven starts with believing we are eternally connected to the Father and everything He is and everything He has! It is living in this state of Oneness with Him!
“It pleases the Father when His kids act in proportion to who their Father is.” This quote is from James Jordan of FatherHeart Ministries. When we call down rain in the time of drought, the Father is pleased. When we call forth finances from heaven when we are in need, the Father is pleased. When we call forth healing when the doctors tell us our conditional is terminal, the Father is pleased! When we act like the person the Father has made us to be, the Father is well pleased!
“Nothing is impossible for God.” Luke 1:37 “Nothing will be impossible for you.” Matthew 17:20. “What is impossible for men is possible with God.” Luke 18:27. “For In Christ, all the fullness of the Deity lives in bodily form, and you have been given fullness in Christ, who is head over every power and authority.” Colossians 2:9-10.
We simply must really start believing more with our heart that “we are as Jesus is” 1 John 4:17. We must start believing in our oneness with Jesus more and more! We have to start believing that we are eternally connected to Jesus and that we can do whatever He did! “I tell you the Truth, anyone who has Faith in Me will do what I have been doing. He will do even greater things than these…” John 14:12.
We have Jesus’ spirit and His heart, and we are glorified and one with Him, so we can experience and manifest the kingdom of heaven on the earth! We are one and connected to the kingdom and to the Father’s heart, so therefore we can call it forth and manifest the kingdom on the earth!
The greatest need we have, above all others, is to experience with power, the infinite Love of the Father in the depths of our heart! Therefore we can live with the Father’s Love flowing through us in an overwhelming fashion, continually, because we one with Jesus and are as He is! “Jesus is in the bosom of the Father”, John 1:18, and we are In Jesus!!! We can experience the Father’s bosom because we are there with Jesus!!!!!!
We can do what He does, and we can feel what He feels!!!!! He has given us a new heart, His heart!!! Therefore we can live like Him ruling and reigning over earthly circumstances, not cowering in fear when extremely difficult things come our way!
Jerry Brown 1-22-2014