Good Morning Precious One!
We will manifest whatever we set our hearts on. It is a law of nature. “As a man thinks in his heart, so is he.” Even if we set our “mustard seed” faith on the Lord, that is enough to open the entire kingdom of heaven because Faith is the reality and actual substance of heaven!!!! “Now Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” Hebrews 11:1. The mustard seed of Faith is a mustard of the actual substance of heaven or a mustard seed of the Father Himself! Faith is the substance of heaven, the substance and actuality of the Father Himself!!!! So even if we have only a mustard seed of heaven, even this tiny mustard seed of Jesus, of the Father, of heaven, is still infinitely greater than any earthly power or difficulty!!!
We just continue to say “Yes” in our heart to the reality and the substance of the Father within us, and then He, through His Spirit, moves His entire kingdom into us in a manifest way! We are saying “yes” that I am no longer just a mere human being but that I, and others in the family of God, are new creations who are filled, connected and one with the actual substance of God, filled the substance of heaven! God’s Grace, which is His substance flowing into us, is infinitely greater than any trail or difficulty.
Our “yes” in our heart is our faith response to actual substance of His almighty and limitless Grace, power and Love at work within us!!! The substance of heaven, the substance of the Father causes our hearts to say “yes”! The “yes” in our heart is our agreement that we are one with the actual substance of God, that we are one with His Being and that He is flowing through us in complete actuality and reality!
Nothing is impossible with God and all things are possible for Him and that nothing is too hard or difficult for Him because He is infinitely greater than anything in the kingdom of darkness: sickness, disease, weakness and any sense of lack!!!! We just drink of His infinite supernatural and miraculous substance of His Love no matter the degree of difficulty we may be facing!
As we set our hearts and minds on the heavenly spirit realm and ourselves being one in substance with His realm, we will manifest the reality of His infinite glorious power and Love more and more on the earth! We will go from glory to glory. The glory is the actual substance of our Heavenly Father as well. We set our heart in a position to receive from the Father through Holy Spirit with a big “yes” in the depths of our heart. We set our heart in agreement with Father God, whose substance of infinite power, Love and generosity are flowing through us, far beyond even our wildest imagination, and then His Spirit free to manifest His supernatural ways within us!
When we set our heart on the Father’s heart, everything He is and everything He has, in complete actuality and reality, which He has already given to us in the Spirit, is manifested in infinite ways within us on earth as it in heaven. The Love and Grace of God are the biggest and most powerful substance in all of creation!!! The more we set our heart on His substance Love and Grace within us and keep that powerful “yes” in our heart, the deeper our heart will get established in actuality of the almighty substance of His Grace, Power and Love within us!
Our greatest need is to live with substance and reality His all powerful, supernatural and miraculous Love flowing through our hearts in a very powerful and experiential way! The greatest need of the human heart is the actual substance of the Father God’s Love. The Father created and designed us in this way. Human love alone does not satisfy the deepest place within our heart. We were created for the reality and substance of His Love to flow through us on a continual basis.
Fame and extreme wealth do not satisfy our heart at the deepest levels. Wealth is a blessing, but it does not satisfy the heart. Nothing on the earth satisfies our hearts at its deepest level other than the actuality and reality of the Father’s Love flowing through us by the person of the Holy Spirit! The theology of the Father’s Love does not satisfy the inner longings of our heart.
When the power and the substance His Love is flowing through us, it doesn’t matter the depth of difficulty of circumstances we may be involved with, the substance of the Father’s Love satisfies our heart at its deepest level, no matter what!!!!! We can therefore live in His constant state of SHALOM no matter what life or the enemy may throw at us!!!! Holy Spirit is the One taking into this beautiful state of the reality of heaven on earth!!!!!! SHALOM
Jerry Brown 1-25-2014