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Present Reality: Perfected In Heaven, In Process On the Earth!

Good Morning Precious One!

“For He has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son He Loves, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins.” Colossians 1:13-14. 

We have been brought into the kingdom of heaven where we have already been perfected, glorified, made one with Jesus and made “as He is”!  The kingdom of heaven, which we now live in, by the Spirit, is the realm of abounding and infinite Grace, Love, Joy, Peace, Health, Prosperity… of the Father!  In this Spiritual kingdom, which is just as real as this earthly realm, only unseen to the natural eye, we exist and live there now inside of Jesus and one with Him!

This kingdom of heaven, this Spiritual kingdom, is accessed by Faith from the heart, in the Holy Ghost!   Faith is not a mere intellectual decision to follow Jesus.  Faith is in the heart.  This is why things seem so untouchable or unattainable at times.   Ever prayed for something and it didn’t happen?  Of course you have, we all have.  Our hearts are extremely big, and mostly hidden!  “As the heavens are high and the earth is deep, so the hearts of kings are unsearchable.” Proverbs 25:3.

    Our hearts are like ice bergs, most of it is unseen.  Every experience and emotion and attitude we have ever had is recorded in our hearts and determines how we react to life.   Our earliest experiences in life played a very large part in shaping and determining the essence of our heart.   The mental health experts say that the core attitudes of our heart are shaped in our first five to seven years.   These deep, unseen attitudes are in a very deep place that the Proverb calls unsearchable, that is how deep and big our hearts are!

  The good news is that at salvation, Jesus took out our old heart that was severely wounded and gave us a new heart, His heart, just like He gave us His Spirit!  But just because we have been given this new heart of Jesus, does not mean we are always living from His heart of perfect Love, perfect Peace, perfect Joy, perfect health, prefect prosperity……   Is your life or my life the absolute, true and complete picture of heaven?  Of course not, no human being is!  We are a mixture of heaven and earth, though our Spirit has been perfected and glorified in Christ Jesus!  

   Some think that because they have an intellectual grasp of these Truths that our walk on earth has been perfected.  NO!!!!!!!!!!!!    We are perfected in the Spirit, but we are a mixture of Spirit and flesh on the earth.           We are “in process” in our walking out of the Truth of our perfection in Christ by Faith.        “We are BEING TRANSFORMED into His likeness with EVER-INCREASING  glory.” 2 Corinthians 3:18.       

        Some people are blinded to the fact that we have been perfected in total and complete actuality in the Spirit, that we are presently seated and living in Christ in heaven today, and some are blinded to the fact that we are in a process of manifesting the fullness of Christ on the earth.             Jesus lives 100% out of His perfect heart and we are all in the process of learning to appropriate and manifest the fullness of His heart within us!

  How can we be perfected in Christ in total Truth and still be in the process of transformation at the same time?  Because we live in two realms, two kingdoms, at the same time.   Before salvation, our hearts and spirits were in the kingdom of darkness, but now, even while living on the earth, we have brought into the kingdom of Jesus, the kingdom of heaven!  So while our hearts and spirits have been perfected, we are in the process of learning how to walk out the new Truth of who we are as new creations in Christ Jesus, while on the earth, in a realm filled much darkness!

 The earth is not the perfection of heaven, but heaven is definitely present here!  The more we embrace the Truth of us being presently glorified In Christ, the His Glory covers and impacts the earth!  The more we embrace the Truth of who we have become in the Spirit, as Jesus is, the more we manifest His perfection on the earth!      “YOUR WILL BE DONE ON EARTH AS IT IS IN HEAVEN.”        

Jerry Brown         11-13-2013

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