Hello Precious One!
Many people who have had near death experiences or people who have died, but returned back into their physical bodies report this overwhelming sense of Love as they entered into the kingdom of heaven! Some people have described their experience as being in this all consuming loving embrace of the Father! They felt one with this Love! The Kingdom of Heaven is the fullness of the Father’s Love and there is no darkness or anything contrary to His Love whatsoever!
When Jesus died, He bore all sin and darkness upon Himself! When we became new creations, we became glorified, perfected and made one with Jesus in the perfect Love of the Father! We have already been raised into this kingdom of the perfect Love of the Father! Jesus “is in the bosom of the Father”, John 1:18, and we are In Christ, therefore we too, are in the bosom of the Father! We are in the Father’s heart in His perfect Kingdom of Love!!!
In the Father’s Kingdom, we are Loved, honored, celebrated…. In complete totality and oneness!!!! The more we get to know the Father, the more we get to know perfect Love because God is Love above all things!!!!! As we abide in the Father’s Love, the more we become the essence of the Father’s heart of Love as well!!!!
In the Father’s Love, condemnation does not exist! In the Kingdom of heaven, forgiveness, mercy and compassion are 100%! In the Kingdom of heaven, the positive expression of Love only exists, because in heaven we are and have been perfected, glorified and are on with Jesus! Jesus cannot sin and we have become as He is and made completely one with Him in the Spirit realm of heaven!
The more that we abide in the Father’s perfect, infinite and abounding Love, the more we are being transformed into His likeness with ever-increasing glory! Jesus, in teaching the disciples how to pray said, “Your Will be done earth as it is in heaven.” The Father’s Will for all of our lives is that we would all experience His abounding Love, in full measure, as it is in heaven!
“This is how God showed His Love among us: He sent His one and only Son into the world that we might live through Him.” 1 John 4:9. The Father’s Love keeps no record of wrongs and is completely forgiving! It takes the Life of the Holy Spirit flowing through us with power to Love with Jesus’ Love, which is the Love of the Father! “The Father has (and is pouring) poured His Love into our heart through the Holy Spirit whom He has given to us.” Romans 5:5.
Holy Spirit releases the substance of the Father’s Love into our heart and as we put our Faith in this, and we Love with the actual “stuff” or substance of the Father’s Love! The Father’s Love is infinitely bigger than our rational minds! Unconditional, Agape Love of the Father makes no sense to the human mind!
“He is the atoning (propitiation) sacrifice for our sins, and not only for ours but also for the sins of the whole world.” 1 John 2:2. Jesus “is the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world.” Jesus bore all of sin, but also all of our sicknesses and diseases, and all the punishment that was due to us as a result of sin!
“Surely He took up our infirmities and carried our sorrows… He was pierced for our transgressions, He was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us Peace was upon Him, and by His wounds we have been healed… and the Lord has laid on Him the iniquity of us all.” Isaiah 53: 4-6. The Father’s Love bears other people sins and His Love never skips a beat!!! “Love bears all things” and the sins of others who hurt us and do evil to us!
This is the Love of the Father that flows into us like Rivers of Living Water! So, to Love with the Father’s Love, we receive and abide in His Love! The more we set our affections on the Father’s Love, the greater His Love will transform us into the likeness of Christ! We have entered into the Kingdom of the Father’s perfect Love! We are In Christ and therefore in the bosom of the Father’s heart of infinite and perfect Agape Love!!!! Can you sense it? SHALOM!
Jerry Brown 11-20-2013